Name/Nick: |
ChAtItA |
E-Mail: |
mr.$ |
City/State: |
Livermore |
Date/Time: |
3/28/2006 11:51:57 AM |
Your Answers: |
Favorite song(s)::
DoIn To muCh
The clothing brand I like to sport the most::
Baby PhAt & RoCa WeAr
The ultimate cruising vechicle::
63" iMpAlA
Favorite movie(s)::
BrInG iT On, Mi ViDa LocA
The sports team you support the most is::
The best book you ever read::
EaSt SiDe DrEaMS
Who's your greatest inspiration and why?:
My mAn Is My GrEaTeSt insPiRaTiOn CauSe He GiVeS mE tHe sTreNgHt 2 LoOk FoRwArD 2 oNtHeR DaY & hE Is ThErE 2 suPorT mE iN wAtEveR!
Favorite hobbies::
PlAyIn SocCeR & wOrKiN oN tHe CoMpUtEr